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John Anderson

Why Connection Points?

In February of this year, our church family moved away from a traditional church service schedule and service times. Our reason for doing so was not duplication of another ministry, a desire to be culturally relevant, or a desire to lower a preconceived standard of Scripture. Our decision was one of biblical study, biblical philosophy, and biblical priorities for God's church.

We moved our Sunday morning worship service to 10 a.m. and Sunday evening worship service to 5:30 p.m. and eliminated our Sunday School ministry on Sundays. We began a ministry of teaching God's Word to all ages and stages on Wednesday Evenings at 7 p.m. which has replaced our Wednesday Evening corporate Bible Study and our Sunday School ministry on Sunday morning. *We do offer a couple of classes on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. for those who are physically unable to attend Wednesday evening, or due to a work schedule are unable to connect on Wednesday Evening.

I want to address the reasoning behind this decision as well as encourage our church family to understand the importance of being connected. By the way, church attendance is stronger than it has ever been, offerings are stronger than they have ever been, and the Great Commission is still being fulfilled through the people of the Pinecrest Baptist Church! We give God glory in it all!


"And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."

- Acts 2:46-47

"And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house." - Acts 20:20

"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." - 2 Timothy 2:2

With a simple glance at New Testament Christianity, there can be no doubt that the early church moved forward through the corporate, public preaching of the Word of God through the lives and mouths of the Apostles. Equally, there is no doubt that the early church advanced through the institution of Bible study, evangelism, and prayer meetings through small groups. Just as strongly as we believe in the public delcaration of God's Word, we believe in the importance of teaching, reaching, and praying in small groups, thus Connection Points.

1. Connection Points Help Our Church Fulfill The ENTIRE Great Commission.

2. Connection Points Have Simplified The Lord's Day To Be Completely Focused On The Corporate Worship Of God With His People.

3. Connection Points Make A Growing Church Feel Smaller And Intimate.

4. Connection Points Enable Me To Pour My Life And Ministry Into Faithful Men And Women Who Are In Turn Pouring Their Lives And Ministry Into Others.

5. Connection Points Help Non-Members Connect With Members, Unbelievers Connect With Believers, And Members To Connect With Their Pastor's Heart And Vision Each Week.

6. Connection Points Promote Faithfulness To God's Church.

7. Connection Points Give Members A Place To Serve And Get Involved Immediately In God's Work.

8. Connection Points Assist Our Pastoral Staff In Shepherding, Organizing, And Knowing Our Church Family On A Daily Basis.

9. Connection Points Ensure That Every Member, Non-member, Regular Attendee, And Visitor Is Being Shepherded And Prayed For On A Regular Basis.

10. Connection Points Provide Accountability For Our Church Family.

11. Connection Points Promote Spiritual And Numerical Growth In The Church.

(A Spiritually Growing Church Will Grow Numerically As Well)

12. Connection Points Give Opportunities To Organize Outreach For Smaller Groups Thus Making Outreach More Effective And Focused.

13. Connection Points Assist In Helping Each Person In The Group Take The Next Step Spiritually. (I.E. Salvation, Baptism, Church Membership, Discipleship, New Members Class, Christian Service, Teaching, etc....)

14. Connection Points Gives Our Church Family Three Distinctive Services During The Week.

15. Connection Points Includes Every Age, Stage, And Person In Our Entire Church Community, No Matter Where They Are Spiritually!

I want to thank the Lord Jesus for allowing me to serve Him with such a great group of people and for helping our church move forward through the ministry of Connection Points. Thank you Connection Point Leaders who tirelessly love, serve, teach, and pray for God's people each week at Pinecrest!

We are looking forward to Connection Points this Wednesday Evening at Pinecrest! If you are not in a Connection Point, find one this week and join one quickly, you will not regret it! See you Wednesday!

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